Thursday 8 August 2013

Ministers - 12 or 40?

This is a little story we used to tell when, in the early days of quality learning, we began to understand what to lead means.

The question was asked: which is the ideal number of team members we must have in our organization?

Which number would you say, without thinking much about it? Answers used to vary from 3 up to 20.

The correct answer, however, was:


If the team is well trained, completely aware of what they have to do, and the leader only does that which he alone can do... a conductor commands up to 180 musicians in a philharmonic orchestra!

Each of the musicians is thoroughly trained, has a sheet music that tells him in detail what has to be done... and the conductor only sets the rhythm!

Imagine if he tried to jump from one musician to the next, correcting the violinist's strings tension, replacing the drummer at some crucial point, or singing at such a high note as the soprano was not being able to reach...

In other words: the number varies, depending on the clarity of the instructions given, people’s training and... a leader who doesn't get in the way!

You can apply this reasoning to your company...

Written by: Claus Süffert

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