Monday 3 March 2014

Do you belong to a High Performance Culture?

Do you think you are part of and belong to a High Performance Culture at work? In fact, what is a High Performance Culture?

A few hints:

1. You enjoy going to work each day!

2. You feel valued as a team member, but also as an individual

3. The company has a vision which is articulated in the strategy, understood from top to bottom of the organisation and reflected in the values of the company. If you were to stop someone in the corridor and ask them what the vision and values are they would be able to tell you. (Try it sometime!)

4. Responsibility and accountability is clear from top to bottom and across the company – each team and each team member knows what is expected of them day to day, week to week, month to month and so on.

5. There is a no blame culture – the culture is one of learning from the past, but looking forwards with expectations for the future aligned throughout the organisation.

6. Problem solving and providing solutions is from the bottom up. Problems are seen as an opportunity not failure.

7. The organisation recognises that its employs are the route to success and change is through people, not in spite of them! Change is normal with continuous improvement an accepted part of the fabric of the company. KPIs are not just a necessary evil, but regarded as essential and a process without a means of measuring its effectiveness incomplete!

Just a few ideas. How does your organisation stack up?

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