Monday, 15 December 2014

#6 in How do we create a High Performance Culture?

Avoiding the Strategy Gap

High performing organisations tend to have one thing in common – they have a strategy, but more importantly they know how to execute that strategy.

Knowing what to do does not necessarily on its own lead to success. Having a strategy without the ability to implement it, to make it a reality, is also all too common. I call this the Strategy Gap. The result is unfulfilled expectations and all too often a falling out around the Board Room table! So what can be done to “mind the gap”?

Monday, 8 December 2014

#5 in How do we create a High Performance Culture?

Ask for Help

I mentioned in #4 about avoiding blame. This not the same as not accepting responsibility when something does not turn out as expected and certainly not an excuse for doing nothing!

Responsibility and accountability are the flip side of autonomy and ownership. You cannot have one without the other. The task, therefore, is in accepting responsibility and being accountable, that when things do not follow the plan you step up to the mark and start looking for solutions. More importantly, if you are stuck, ask for help!